Friday, August 05, 2005

Who Are They & Where Can I Find Them?

During the course of a short correspondence concerning love and loss, my friend Natalie wrote the following gem. I don't keep a list of my all-time favorite e-mails I've received, but if I did, this would be near the top:

A) One has more than one soulmate to meet or potentially meet in a life time.
B) As souls we make "social contracts" to keep coming back to earth together to meet and learn from eachother and grow as people. Many of these times its not la-dee-dah, its a raw and hurtful interaction. But this type of interaction makes us the person we need to be and is actually good for us. We don't end up with many of the people that are our soulmates, but we do become better people for having known them.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

In the Shadow of…

I was going to write Greatness. Then I thought notoriety would be more suitable, but not catchy enough. Actually the ellipsis makes perfect sense. You can fill in your own word.

What am I babbling about?

Yesterday I became privy to an interesting bit of trivia. The position I currently have at UCLA Extension was formerly occupied by none other than…Jane Bainter!

Here is a link to a google search that will supply you with information about this former muse’s claims to fame:


Monday, August 01, 2005

Ruffled Feathers
Lil' Hummingbird Absurd,
Chirp if you can hover still,
Resting on my window sill.
Lil' Hummingbird,
Your heart beats thrice as many times as mine.
But now you're laying on my ledge,
You've tossed and tumbled from your bed,
You're resting too close to the edge!
It's grim and grave,
And sad, no less,
A wounded bird,
Out of its nest.
Oh Lil' Hummingbird Absurd,
You've let these ants and creepy things,
Crawl in your feathers,
And your wings...
Stasis foretells daylight's wake,
Will you escape to somewhere safe?